Factory Service and Recalibration

Factory calibration is an integral step in the manufacture and repair of all LI-COR measuring instruments.

Why Factory Recalibration?

To request factory service or recalibration for a LI-COR instrument, request factory service or contact your local distributor. Service will be performed at our US office in Lincoln, NE USA, European office (LI-COR GmbH), or by your local distributor.

Suggested Documentation Reference: LI-COR, Inc. 2021. EddyPro® version 7.0 Help and User's Guide. LI-COR, Inc. Lincoln, NE.

Suggested Software Reference: EddyPro® Software (Version 7.0) [Computer software]. 2021. Lincoln, NE. LI-COR, Inc; Infrastructure for Measurements of the European Carbon Cycle consortium.

EddyPro is a registered trademark of LI-COR in the United States and other countries. Click here to view the EddyPro trademark policy.