Application Notes, Tech Tips, and Other Documents

Principles of Radiation Measurement

Brochure describing the fundamental principles of light and radiation measurements using light sensors.


LI-180 Spectrometer User Guide

User guide provides basic operating information for the LI-180 running software version 1.5.0. user guide
Software Change Log Listing of updates for the LI-180 software and embedded firmware change log
Specifications Sheet List of complete performance specifications for the LI-180 specs sheet
Manually logging data with the LI-180 This tech tip shows how to log and download data from the LI-180 tech tip
Automated Logging and Computing Daily Light Integral This tech tip describes how to configure the LI-180 to log data, and then how to compute the daily light integral from the data. tech tip
Computing and Logging Spectral Ratios The LI-180 can compute spectral ratios from measured data. This tech tip describes how to set it up. tech tip
Downloading data from the LI-180 Simple instructions for copying data from the LI-180 to a personal computer. tech tip
Firmware Update Instructions Instructions for installing updated firmware on the LI-180 Spectrometer. tech tip
A Solution for LI-180 Extended Power For powering the LI-180 while logging continuously, an AC power supply is required. This tech tip describes one solution using a rechargable AC power supply. tech tip