Release notes

The latest firmware and software versions are available for download.

3.1.2 (September 2024; current version)

  • Correction to the magnetic heading output.

3.1.1 (August 2024)

  • Refinements to the shadow corrections.
  • Refinements to humidity calculations.

3.0.0 (July 2023)

Note: This version is not backward compatible with board versions A, B, or C (serial numbers earlier than M00150)

  • Added Internal Calibration Certificate for new instruments calibrated at the factory. In the ESC Menu, under the Calibration Menu is a new command to display the calibration certificate (ESC > D > D).
  • Fixed pitch and roll calculations. Accelerometer output has been adjusted on all board versions to standardize the pitch roll calculations. The accelerometer X direction is aligned with the North-South vector, the Y direction is aligned with the East-West vector. Pitch and Roll value range is +/-180 degrees.
  • Fixed issue where after a power on the wind speed values could be incorrect, but they returned correct values after a subsequent software reset.

2.6.0 (April 2023)

  • Added alternate component to pressure sensor driver.
  • If speed of sound measurement error results in a very large error value, the humidity and temperature outputs error codes instead of nan.

2.5.0 (November 2022)

  • Updated for circuit board revisions.
  • Added pulse counting capability for rain gauges. The Mode_232 pin, (black wire of the cable) performs double duty. When in rain gauge mode, the Mode_232 pin does not for the LI-550 into a know serial configuration. The Mode_232 pin is used as the input signal from a tipping bucket type rain gauge that generates a pulse, high-low or low-high. When in low power mode or long averaging mode, the rain gauge pulses are counted and displayed as part of the normal display output.
  • The lowpower wakerate value has been changed to seconds from milliseconds. The minimum low power time is 1 second and the maximum is 131,071 seconds.

2.4.0 (July 2022)

  • Reduced the occurrence of large deviations from the data output.

2.3.1 (April 2022)

  • Fixed an issue where parameter memory was not being converted properly after a firmware update.

2.3.0 (April 2022)

  • Updates to improve shadow correction.
  • Extended the length of trisonicaid to 40 characters to accommodate a UUID.

2.2.3 (December 2021)

  • Fixed serial menu issue that caused sampling errors after exiting the menu but worked correctly after a reset.
  • Fixed serial menu issue that did not properly save the parameter changes to the flash memory.

2.2.2 (November 2021)

  • Corrected level calibration error introduced in 2.1.0.
  • Fixed error that caused the compass sensor to not be detected on some units.

2.2.0 (November 2021)

  • Added an option to the serial menu to switch to command line mode directly from the menu. This is useful for systems that do not pass the CTRL+C character.
  • Added a Checksum value to the data output string.
  • Sum all characters before the checksum characters including the checksum tag and tag delimiter. Truncate the sum to 8 bits and calculate the two-complement value. The upper four bits are converted to a hex character and displayed as the first value of the checksum. The lower four bits are the second hex character of the checksum. The CRLF characters are not included in the checksum.

2.1.3 (September 2021)

  • Fixed invalid data peaks in the output data.
  • Add a clear parameter to the trisonicaid command so the id field can now be removed.
  • Fixed a few minor issues.

2.1.1 (July 2021)

  • Fixed erroneous compass not present error in diagnostics.
  • Fixed help menu crash at paramdelim.

2.1.0 (July 2021)

  • Changes necessary for operating on Rev G PCBAs.
  • Fixed a tilt related issue with the Magnetic Heading calculations.
  • Fixed the spelling of “declination” in the settings command output.
  • Added Model information, Low Power settings, and Trigger settings to the settings command output.
  • Renamed the serial menu command “Instrument Reset” to “Reset TriSonica Mini” to clarify the purpose of this menu option.
  • Added the missing capability of the tagdelim and paramdelim commands to set the space character as the delimiter.

2.0.2 (May 2021)

  • Added an ESC menu. Pressing ESC key provides a text menu to users.
  • Improved ultrasonic detection algorithm that is more stable over temperature fluctuations.
  • Removed the acclimate command.
  • Improved the shadow correction of the TriSonica Mini.
  • Added slope and offset settings for humidity, so users can adjust the humidity output.
  • Added slope and offset settings for pressure, so users can adjust the pressure output.
  • Added a default group to the show and hide commands that resets the output back to the factory default display.
  • Added a factoryrestore command to restore the TriSonica Mini back to the settings established at the factory.
  • Fixed a condition where temperature returns NAN when humidity sensor returns 0.0.
  • Added more details to the diagnostic command with the ‘details’ parameter, diagnostic details.
  • Added a timeout to the command line interface so that if there is no user input for one minute, the TriSonica Mini will return to sampling mode.
  • User definable delimiters for data output tags and parameter separators.
  • Other minor bug fixes.

1.9.5 (Jun 2020)

  • Fixed error in dew point calculation that was reporting slightly lower dew point values.
  • Fixed hard fault exception when running the acclimate command.
  • Added kalmanfilter command to expert menu
  • Fixed issue that caused extreme temperature and humidity values to be reported when two acoustic pathways are partially blocked.
  • Added tilt calibration values to the settings command output.
  • Added compass calibration values to the settings command output.
  • Added firmware version to the settings command output.

1.9.2 (May 2020)

  • Fixed spelling in declination command.
  • Returned declination command to menu when using a Rev D board.
  • Added LVTTL to protocol options.
  • Added board revision output to version command using the 'board' argument.
  • Fixed Digimesh Help Missing \r\n.
  • Fixed an issue where RH, pressure, tilt, and compass sensors were returning incorrect values when in low power mode.
  • Fixed compasscalibrate for LSM303AGR so that it outputs proper compass data.
  • Adjusted the compass calibrate function for both old and new magnetometers to correct reported calibration errors.

1.9.0 (October 2019)

  • Updated to work with Rev E PCBs.
  • Fixed error that caused unexpected internal humidity, pressure, tilt, or compass errors.
  • Fixed the temperature and humidity to be -99.1 and the corrected humidity to be the RH Sensor
  • Raw Humidity value, when in a fully blocked condition.
  • Fixed the display command output to display the Pressure decimals indicator.

1.8.0 (August 2019)

  • Fixed long help for show, hide, decimals, tag, untag to include proper \r\n.
  • Fixed display and decimals to show and set humidity decimal places.
  • Added tagid command.
  • Fixed bug where the temperature and humidity can get stuck with 'nan'.
  • Rewrote humidity calculations to use partial pressures to determine molar mass. The calculations are no longer dependent on the previous temperature reading.
  • Modified the calibration command to accept a pressure value so that a more accurate value of molar mass can be calculated for determining the speed of sound.
  • Added output mode to Run DigiMesh Radios.
  • Added low power stop mode.
  • Enabled trigger line for use as a wake-up signal for low power stop mode.
  • Set output data format to text mode when the 232 signal is connected to ground.
  • Fixed nvwrite error where output data format was being set to 232 mode while the 232 signal was connected to ground, regardless of the user-selected output format mode.
  • Modified output tags to make them unique.

1.7.4 (March 2019)

  • Changed acclimate command to use 40 samples like the calibrate command.
  • Fixed bug with incorrect temperature output when in Wind Sensor mode.

1.7.0 (February 2019)

  • Reduced power consumption.
  • Changed spelling error of aclimate to acclimate.
  • Added shadow correction calculations to reflect wind-tunnel testing.
  • Changed input of the dew point calculation to use average of the RH sensor and average air temperature.

1.6.0 (October 2018)

  • Improved noise
  • Improved the calibration routine
  • Reset calibration time to 10 seconds
  • Added unit user command for unit types, and calculations to give output values in chosen units
  • Gave direction outputs decimals
  • Added aclimate command (spelling corrected in version 1.7.0)
  • Added help command instructions about not including [] or <>.
  • Removed deprecated commands and their functions.
  • Added orientuv command to output in Met std coord, ATI coord, or old (error!) TSM coord.
  • Increased averaging time of dew point to humidity calculation to average over 30 seconds.

1.5.2 (June 2018)

  • Improved Internal Diagnostic
  • ***(Please contact LI-COR if you have a TriSonica Mini with this version and you are interested in upgrading firmware.)***

1.5.1 (March 2018)

  • Added Decimals to Pitch and Roll Outputs
  • Enabled External Trigger
  • Tripled the Calibration Time
  • Added TriSonica ID Field

1.4.1 (January 2018)

  • Improved calibrate command
  • Adjusted version command to indicate "present" instead of "installed"
  • Updated function with the TriSonica PCBA Rev D to add 422 capability
  • Added protocol command for 232 and 422
  • Enabled the 232 input signal to force a known state.

1.3.4 (November 2017)

  • Fixed Accelerometer and Magnetometer Values to display properly.
  • Fixed Crash when show all is executed.
  • Fixed Temperature Decimals setting and display.
  • Added compass declination.
  • Use the long-term temperature average to calculate humidity.
  • Added json command to show the current support level for JSON outputs.
  • Settings Command uses JSON format output (JSON Level 1).

1.2.2 (May 2017)

  • Fixed a display issue where previously enabled features were not being removed from the display output and the show, hide, help displays
  • Fixed error in dew point calculation from temp and relative humidity.
  • Properly set baud rate from flash.
  • Add the adjustment to the humidity sensor to calculate the outside humidity, based on the internal temperature, internal humidity, and the outside or sonic temperature.
  • Adjust distance and offset command to allow setting independent channels.