Factory Service and Recalibration

Factory calibration is an integral step in the manufacture and repair of all LI-COR measuring instruments.

About LI-610 Factory Calibration

To request factory service or recalibration for a LI-COR instrument, request factory service or contact your local distributor. Service will be performed at our US office in Lincoln, NE USA, European office (LI-COR GmbH), or by your local distributor.

Top Resources

LI-610 Dew Point Generator Instruction Manual


LI-610 Dew Point Generator Instruction Manual.

LI-610 Portable Dew Point Generator instruction manual addendum


LI-610 Dew Point Generator instruction manual addendum.

Air Pump Replacement Instructions

Instructions for replacing the diaphragm pump in the LI-610 Portable Dew Point Generator.

Reference card for the LI-610 conversions


Reference card for conversions with the LI-610 Portable Dew Point Generator.

Dew Point Generator Cannot Reach Below Ambient Temperatures

This technical tip describes some possible solutions when the LI-610 Portable Dew Point Generator is unable to reach temperature setpoints below ambient.

Temperature Cannot be Adjusted

This technical tip describes some possible solutions when turning the adjustment knobs on the LI-610 front panel has no effect on the displayed temperature.