Application Notes, Tech Tips, and Other Documents

Dynamic assimilation and curve fitting Considerations for fitting CO2 response curve data collected with the Dynamic Assimilation™ Technique application note
NEW! Complementary Leaf Physiology Measurements: The LI-600 and LI-6800 The LI-600 Porometer/Fluorometer is designed for high speed sampling. In contrast, the LI-6800 Portable Photosynthesis System is designed to provide highly detailed data. This document describes how they provide complementary data when used together. application note
Using the Flash Analysis Application Note describing how to compare and optimize flash data from the LI-6800, LI-600, and the LI-6400XT. application note
Using the Small Plant Chamber Application note for using the small plant chamber. application note
Using the Custom Chamber Adapter Application note for using the custom chamber adapter kit with the LI-6800. application note
Leaf-level O2 and CO2 measurements with the LI-6800 and Picarro G2207-i Application note that describes how to use the Picarro G2207-i to measure O2 exchange. application note
Measuring needle-like Leaves Application note that describes relevant considerations for measuring needle-like leaves under ambient light or with a light source. application note
Making one-sided leaf measurements Application note that describes the one-sided leaf measurement kit and considerations for using it to measure gas exchange from a single side of a leaf. application note
Measuring small aquatic samples This note describes how to use the Aquatic Chamber to measure samples that are too large to fit through the upper opening. application note
Installing the LI-190R Installation guide for the LI-190R Quantum Sensor on the LI-6800 Portable Photosynthesis System. install guide
Installing the Fluorometer Chamber Installation guide for the fluorometer chamber. install guide
Installing the 3×3 Leaf Chamber Installation guide for the small chamber. install guide
Installing the 6×6 cm chamber Installation guide for the large leaf chamber. install guide
Installing the Small Plant Chamber Installation guide for the small plant chamber. install guide
Installing the Bryophyte Chamber Installation guide for the bryophyte chamber. install guide
Installing the Insect Respiration Chamber Installation guide for the small plant chamber. install guide
Installing the Custom Chamber Adapter Installation guide for the custom chamber kit. install guide
Using light sources with the LI-6800 Installation and operating instructions for the small (3×3 cm) light source, large (6×6 cm) light source, conifer sprig kit, and the light source extension cable for operating two light sources simultaneously. install guide
Installing the aquatic equilibrator upgrade The Aquatic Chamber water vapor equilibrator has been upgraded to a more robust design (part number 6800-S-001. This document provides installation instructions. install guide
NEW! Using the LI-6800 Portable Photosynthesis System v2.1 Full operating instructions for the LI-6800 Portable Photosynthesis System software. This edition includes information for leaf chambers, light sources, the aquatic chamber, the soil chamber, and accessories. It includes basic programming information as well. manual
Using the LI-6800 Portable Photosynthesis System v1.5 Instruction manual for the LI-6800 Portable Photosynthesis System running software version 1.5. manual
Advancements in Gas Exchange Methods: Introducing Dynamic Assimilation Technique for Non-Steady-State Measurements This poster describes the time-saving method known as the Dynamic Assimilation Technique. poster
New solution for measuring gsw and ΦPSII on a single conifer needle This poster describes a method for measuring photosynthesis parameters on a single conifer needle. poster
A steady-state open flow-through system to quantify carbon dioxide exchange from liquid suspensions This poster describes the 6800-18 Aquatic Chamber, which is used to measure CO2 exchange from samples in liquid suspension and samples in very humid conditions. poster
Faster CO2 Response Curves with the LI-6800: RACiR and Steady-state parameter estimate comparison Poster presented at ESA 2017 entitled 'Faster CO2 Response Curves with the LI-6800: RACiR and Steady-state parameter estimate comparison'. poster
Finding the floor: Comparison of portable photosynthesis systems for measurement of small fluxes Poster presented at Botany 2017 entitled 'Finding the floor: Comparison of portable photosynthesis systems for measurement of small fluxes.' poster
LI-6800 Instrument Performance in Physiological Parameter Estimation Poster describing the differences between the LI-6400XT and LI-6800, with respect to the instrument's ability to characterize biological parameters. poster
LI-6800 Instrument Performance in Physiological Parameter Estimation, Chinese Language Chinese Language Version. Poster describing the differences between the LI-6400XT and LI-6800, with respect to the instrument's ability to characterize biological parameters. poster
Minimization of diffusion error in measured photosynthetic gas-exchange parameters with the LI-COR LI-6800 photosynthesis system. Poster presented at the 17th International Congress on Photosynthesis Research 2016, entitled 'Minimization of diffusion error in measured photosynthetic gas-exchange parameters with the LI-COR LI-6800 photosynthesis system'. poster
Probing Intra-Leaf Photo-Physics Via Differential Fluorescence Induction Kinetics Poster presented at 2017 Western Photosynthesis Conference entitled 'Probing Intra-Leaf Photo-Physics Via Differential Fluorescence Induction Kinetics'. poster
The rapid A–Ci response: photosynthesis in the phenomic era A publication in Plant, Cell, & Environment that describes a technique to rapidly assess A-Ci responses. publication
LI-6800 Quick Start Guide An introduction to the LI-6800, describing what you should do when you get it out of the box for the first time. quick start guide
Using the Sable Systems DG-4 to set the H2O span for LI-COR gas analyzers You can adjust the H2O span in many LI-COR gas analyzers with a dewpoint generated by the Sable Systems DG-4 Dewpoint Generator. This tech tip provides some details. tech tip
Emailing data files from the instrument The LI-6800 can be configured to automatically email data files directly to a Gmail™ account using a background program. This tech tip tells how. tech tip
Preparing for a field trip? What to take? We're often asked what a LI-COR scientist would take when preparing for field work. This tech tip answers the question and lists some things to consider when preparing for your own field work. tech tip
Controlling the LI-6800 via Remote Access (VNC) for Training and Demonstration Tech tip that describes how to connect to the LI-6800 using a VNC application, so you can control the instrument from a computer or mobile device. tech tip
Software for Curve Fitting Describes software and literature for fitting the Farquhar, von Caemmerer and Berry (FvCB) model of photosynthesis (Farquhar, von Caemmerer & Berry 1980). tech tip
Prepare the LI-6800 for shipping Wondering what to pack? How to fit it all into the case? This describes how to pack your LI-6800 for shipping. tech tip
Gassing up your LI-6800: How to connect your own gas supply Tech tip that shows two ways to connect tank air to the LI-6800. tech tip

Setting the Thermocouple Height

Tech tip that shows a quick way to set the leaf temperature thermocouple height correctly every time.

tech tip
Resolving a Leak Issue This tech tip will help you identify and solve leaks when using the LI-6800. tech tip
Upgrading the Wheels on the LI-6800 Travel Case This tech tip describes how to upgrade the wheels of your LI-6800 carrying case. tech tip
CO2 Cartridges for the LI-6400/XT and LI-6800 This technical tip describes the best CO2 cartridges to use and provides some tips for their use. tech tip
Building a Large Prompt List This tech tip shows how to customize a prompt list in a text editor. tech tip
Volume, flow, and mixing in open photosynthesis systems This technical note describes considerations related to the effect of volume, flow rate, and mixing on overall system performance. technical note

Specifications Sheet

Performance specifications for the LI-6800 and accessories. specs sheet