Factory Calibration

Recommended Recalibration Frequency: Every two years; however, if the internal chemicals are serviced every two years and the analyzer zero and span are verified, then no regular factory recalibration is required.

What's included with LI-7000 recalibration?

A factory recalibration includes the following:


  • H2O analyzer calibration(6 points, 3 temperatures).
  • CO2 analyzer calibration (13 gas concentrations at 3 temperatures).
  • Pressure transducer calibration.
  • Temperature sensors verified.
  • The accuracy of the calibration function is then verified across the measurement range of CO2 and H2O.

Tests and Maintenance

  • Inspect analyzer and clean as needed.
  • Replace all internal chemicals.
  • Change detector housing chemicals.
  • Lithium coin cell battery changed as needed.
  • Upgrade software to the most recent version.
  • Check pump and flow control.
  • Digital to analog converter function test.
  • Other repairs and maintenance as needed; customers are notified if additional fees are required for repairs.

To request factory service or recalibration for an instrument:

Service will be performed at our US office in Lincoln, NE USA, European office (LI-COR GmbH), or by your local distributor.